退伍军人 Resource Center

bbin信誉网站 offers 退伍军人 and active-duty 密尔itary students and employees a place to relax, 网络, study and find resources to help them transition into college and careers.

Thanks to a BHC Foundation grant, it also offers many art supplies to allow 退伍军人 and 密尔itary students to express themselves creatively.

The center has a break room with almost all the comforts of home – a quiet room, 学习空间, having lunch or coffee with others, meetings and recreation, and an office staffed with 退伍军人 and a coordinator to answer questions and make referrals.

资源 for 退伍军人


站起来 & 计算!

The 伊利诺斯州 Department of 退伍军人’ Affairs (IDVA) is pleased to announce the launch of online access to its veteran service officers. This site encourages all 伊利诺斯州 退伍军人 to ‘站起来 and 计算’ by submitting basic contact information to IDVA.

伊利诺斯州 Association of County 退伍军人 Assistance Commissions, Inc.

提供了 needed services, including financial aid, veteran services and advocacy services, to 密尔itary 退伍军人 and their fa密尔ies who reside in said counties. http://www.退伍军人benefitsillinois.org/

伊利诺斯州 Department of Veteran Affairs (IDVA)

提供了 伊利诺斯州 VA benefits 为退伍军人.

Opportunity 伊利诺斯州: Citizens Soldiers Program

伊利诺伊大学.S. Military Reserves or 伊利诺斯州 国家 Guard low-interest loans with deferred payments while deployed or to help with expenses after active duty. www.财务主管.il.政府


Locations and services offered by 伊利诺斯州 兽医中心. www.vetcenter.va.政府


提供了 health care information for 伊利诺斯州 退伍军人. www.illinois退伍军人care.com


Federal Government Veteran Affairs

提供了 federal VA benefits for service members. www.va.政府


提供了 information regarding the various services offered through the VA. www.密尔itaryonesource.密尔

Military Student Loan Benefits

Student Loan Information for Members of the U.S. 武装部队

国家 Resource Directory

The 国家 Resource Directory (NRD) is a website for wounded, ill and injured service members, 退伍军人, their fa密尔ies and those who support them. www.nationalresourcedirectory.政府 /